AI for Writing thesis

Thesis Writing is an immensely difficult and time consuming job especially if you are planning to write something worthwhile. The advent of AI has ushered us in a new era of convenience and efficiency.

With the correct leverage and implementation of these AI tools you can do wonders. Here is a list of some of the best AI tools that can help you out in your thesis writing process. However it has to be kept in mind that these are just tools though they can do wonders but that requires genuine human input.

How can AI Help in thesis writing

AI can help you through out your Thesis writing journey. A few places where it can be extremely helpful and effective are following:

  • Selecting a Research Topic.
  • Review existing research and literature related to your chosen topic.
  • Identify gaps in the literature that your thesis can address.
  • Craft a clear and focused research question or hypothesis that guides your investigation.
  • Create a research plan or proposal detailing your methodology.
  • Develop a clear outline for your thesis, including chapters or sections.
  • Writing the Thesis. Write each section, including the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion.
  • Editing and Proofreading.
  • Publication and Dissemination.

AI Tools For Academic Writing


Isaac integrates into your writing process, serving as your personalized ChatGPT for academic endeavors. Packed with numerous AI-powered features like autocomplete, paraphrasing, summarization, and more, all backed by cutting-edge AI technology.

With its comprehensive literature search, Isaac is a great research companion, making academic journey smoother with support in 13 languages.

A great all in one tool that will help you in your thesis writing process


Isaac seamlessly integrates at all stages of the writing process into one intuitive platform. Isaac sets an AI-first standard for academic writing, revolutionizing the way scholars engage with their research and craft their work. With support for 13 languages and more on the horizon, Isaac is the AI-powered ally that accompanies you through every step of your academic journey.

AI Writing Assistant| AI Assignment Writer| AI Microsoft Support | AI Academic Writer

Key Features

Paid Plan

  • Integrated AI assistant, functioning as your personalized ChatGPT tailored exclusively for academic writing.
  • AI-Supported Writing: Features like autocomplete, paraphrasing, summarization, and more, all bolstered by AI technology.
  • Literature Search: Access a comprehensive academic literature search
  • Chat with Documents: Upload your papers and let Isaac provide insightful answers to your queries.
  • Automate Workflows
  • References Management: Manage and organize your documents within Isaac’s reference list


Doctrina is another substitute for an all-in-one AI Tool for Academic Writing. It offers a suite of tools designed to cater your needs.

From summarizing your notes to helping you out in your thesis it has it all. Optimized specifically while keeping students in mind


Doctrina AI introduces a range of tools designed to amplify the educational experience. Doctrina AI goes beyond individual users, offering a Software Development Kit (SDK) that empowers educational institutions to seamlessly integrate these AI tools into their systems. This integration creates a bespoke learning environment, enhancing engagement, comprehension, and student-teacher interactions.

AI Writing Assistant| AI Assignment Writer| AI Note Summarizer| AI Content Detector | AI Essay Generator | AI Exam Generator | AI Quiz Generator

Key Features

Paid Plan

  • Class Notes Tool for summarized class notes.
  • AI Content Generator
  • Generate assignments with citations
  • AI Exam Generator: Craft exams based on specific books, subjects, and topics
  • Quiz Generator: Craft quizzes by inputting topic and selecting difficulty level.


JenniAI offers a plethora of features tailored to making the research process seamless and efficient. Its advanced language model supports you throughout the content generation process, from creating outlines to managing citations, it does it all in your thesis writing process.

With features like real-time AI Autocomplete suggestions, in-text citations, paraphrasing & source-based content generation it’s the ultimate AI Writing Assistant for any kind of academic writing.

AI for Writing thesis


JenniAI is a cutting-edge AI tool is engineered to supercharge your research and writing endeavors. With a plethora of features tailor-made to enhance your capabilities, it makes the entire process seamless and efficient.

There advanced Language model helps you though out the content generation process form outlines to citation it has it all. JenniAI is a versatile tool that caters to a wide range of writing needs, from essays and literature reviews to research papers and personal statements.

AI Writing Assistant| AI Paraphraser | AI PDF Reader| AI Academic Writer

Key Features

Free Plan Limited Word Count Support

Paid Plan

  • AI Autocomplete by providing real-time suggestions
  • In-text Citations integrate the latest research and your PDF uploads to facilitate citation
  • Paraphrase & Rewrite
  • Source-based content generation
  • Chat to your PDFs
  • Outline Builder
  • Custom Styles & Tones


Rytr is the go-to content writing tool for all your academic needs. Simply select your use case or template, click “generate text,” and Rytr will generate unique and high-quality content based on your input.

Rytr offers a range of features including AI article writing, AI paraphrasing and rewriting. With the free plan you can generate 5000 characters per month which is quite less.

Great personalized AI Writing Assistant for your Research journey.

Rytr is a paid content writing tool which is quite inexpensive when compared to other tools. The UI is simple,  You select the use case or template and click on generate text. This AI writing assistance will generate unique content depending on your input.

You can write all types of content in just a few clicks using Rytr, including product descriptions, blogs, social media content, reviews, taglines, and much more.

AI Article & Blog Writer | AI Copywriting | AI Paraphrasing and more

Key Features


The Free plan of Rytr is best to check this tool before purchasing it allows you to generate 5000 characters per month

Paid Plan (3 Paid Plans)

  • Access to all tools
  • Access to new features
  • Access to all add-ons including Chat with PDF
  • Chrome extension


ChatPDF with its user-friendly interface, multiple language support, and seamless citation integration make it perfect for students or  researchers. With thesis involving a Platero of PDFs to go through ChatPDF provides an easy way out to find exactly what you need form a PDF.

Great for summarizing PDFs for free.

AI for Writing thesis


ChatPDF has emerged as a game-changer for students, researchers, and professionals, this AI tool enables users to interact with PDF documents as if they were engaging in a conversation. With a user-friendly interface, it simplifies the process of comprehending research papers, journal articles, legal contracts, financial reports, and manuals, thus making it a versatile tool for multiple sectors.

AI Summarizer| AI PDF Reader| AI Academic Writer

Key Features

  • Effortless PDF Access & insights from scientific papers, academic articles, books, etc.
  • Quick insights from legal documents, financial reports, manuals, and training materials
  • Multiple Language Support
  • Citation Integration includes references to their source within the original PDF document
  • Files stored in a protected cloud environment, assuring privacy and data security.


Consensus provides access to over 200 million research papers, crafted to enhance the research process, it includes features like comprehensive search, delivering trusted results linked to actual studies, and offering instant insights with lightning-fast summarizations.

A must have tool for all kind of Academic writing who want their Paper or thesis to look outstanding and based on solid AI based research.

AI for Writing thesis


Consensus is designed to expedite the quest for insights buried within the vast ocean of scientific papers. This robust tool boasts extensive coverage, offering access to over 200 million research papers without the need for precise keyword matching. While ChatGPT excels in conversation, Consensus is meticulously designed to enhance the research process, making it an invaluable asset in the pursuit of knowledge.

AI Scientific Research | AI Academic Writer

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Search by providing an all-encompassing search experience, eliminating the tedious process of keyword matching
  • Trusted Results anchoring all search results to actual studies
  • Instant Insights using advanced language models like GPT-4 and other LLMs, Consensus delivers lightning-fast summarizations of research findings.


This innovative solution streamlines the academic research process, enabling easy discovery, summarization, and formatting of sources for your academic endeavors. With features like effortless source discovery, seamless essay integration, and thorough filter and sorting options, Sourcely ensures a swift and efficient research journey.

It even assures source credibility, adding reliability to your work. Great for finding relevant sources in your Thesis Writing process.


Sourcely is a game-changing AI-powered solution designed to streamline your academic research process. Are you tired of sifting through endless search results for your sources? Look no further. Sourcely revolutionizes how you discover, summarize, and format sources for your academic papers. Its intuitive features make the research journey effortless, ensuring you find the right materials quickly and efficiently.

AI Writing Assistant| AI Source Finder | AI Academic Writer | AI Summarizer

Key Features

Free Plan All features but limited to 300 words

Paid Plan

  • Effortless Source Discovery & Source Matching
  • Seamless Essay Integration: Paste your essay or paragraph and let Sourcely handle the rest.
  • Filter and Sort: Narrow down your search by year of publication for targeted results.
  • Assured Source Credibility: Sourcely ensures you’re working with credible and reliable sources.


Caktus, is a dynamic AI tool for content writing including thesis writing. This affordable AI companion is designed to extend your intellectual boundaries and enrich your educational journey with a wide array of features.

Designed specifically to help you out in your research process with its AI powered Citation and Research assistant.


Caktus is an ingenious tool designed to expand your intellectual horizons. With a central focus on growth, Caktus serves as your affordable AI companion, aimed at enhancing your educational experience. Its power becomes evident as you take advantage of its wide array of features.

With its comprehensive tool list, access class assistance, writing tools, math and science aids, coding support, citation tools, and a conversational tutor.

AI Writing Assistant| AI Assignment Writer| AI Coding Helper| AI Academic Writer

Key Features

Paid Plan

  • Caktus writing assistant
  • Covercomplex subjects with step-by-step textual solutions for math, science, and physics.
  • Navigate coding challenges with support for various programming languages.
  • Academic sources for accurate information.
  • Caktus Text Editor to polish and prepare your documents for submission.
  • Unlimited AI Outputs
  • Draw from trusted published papers for robust research.
  • Grasp complex concepts with clear, step-by-step solutions.


A Simple Chrome extension powered by ChatGPT-4 which helps you in your thesis writing process. The free limited queries are enough for doing considerable research on daily basis.

A Great Free Research Assistant while you are searching through the web.


Merlin is a Google Chrome Extension powered by ChatGPT-4. With merlin Content writing can hits new levels and its integration can help you write content on a lot of platforms. Whether you are writing on social media or an email or writing content in general you can use Merlin and its real-time web data to get accurate and precise written content

AI Writing Assistant

Key Features

Free Plan All features but limited to 51 Queries/day

Paid Plan

  • Unlimited GPT-4 Access
  • Access to live web data
  • AI Chatbot on any website
  • ChatGPT for Google Search
  • ChatGPT for Youtube Summary
  • ChatGPT writer on LinkedIn
  • ChatGPT writer on Twitter
  • ChatGPT writer on Gmail


This end our list of few of the best AI tools that can help in your Thesis Writing Process.

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